Events Calendar (opens in full page)
The Storywalk at Camp Ingalls is open! Enjoy a great story while hiking Ingalls’ beautiful trails!
Knitting Club 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 5pm-7pm All abilities welcome.
Cribbage Night 3rd Tuesday 5:30pm-7pm All abilities welcome.
Leaders are happy to teach new players!
Playgroup Wednesdays 10am Toys, puzzles, crafts provided. BYO snack if you’d like. Give your littles a chance to socialize and meet new friends!
Artist’s Hour Thursdays 10am-12pm Bring the project you’re working on and socialize with others!
Saturday Crafts Saturdays 10am-1pm A new craft every week. All ages welcome!
Age Well–Tuesday January 7th 2pm-4pm
Laura Need will be back to answer questions about 3Squares in a SNAP, Meals on Wheels, the Restaurant Ticket Program and more!
Virtual Book Club-Thursday January 30th 5pm
We will be discussing “The Invisible Life of Addie Larue” by VE Schwab. All are welcome, copies available at the library.
Contact the library for Zoom link.